From October 25 to 29, 2021, Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) in collaboration with the Southeast Asian University Network (ASEAN University Network - AUN) carried out the 241st online/remote visit in the AUN - QA program assessments of VNUA’s 4 training programs including Animal Science, Biotechnology, Food Science and Technology, and Environmental Science.
Prof. Hanna H. Bachtiar-Iskandar (University of Indonesia, Indonesia) - Head of the AUN-QA assessment team and the external auditors of AUN attended the Opening Ceremony.

The Opening Ceremony was held online on the Zoom platform

Overview of the ceremony at Hall C
Delivering a speech at the Opening Ceremony, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan, VNUA president stated that in order to constantly improve the quality of human resource training to meet the needs of society, VNUA had been implementing program self-assessments and improvements according to the AUN-QA standards. These were a set of standards with strict quality rules, with specific and clear criteria, focusing on comprehensive evaluation of the training program on many aspects such as output standards, curriculum framework, teaching staff, facilities, quality assurance, and connection between the university, students, and businesses.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan - VNUA president – delivers a speech at the opening ceremony
Highly evaluating the efforts of the AUN Secretariat and the expert delegation, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan emphasized that, VNUA always considered the participation in external assessments as an opportunity for the universities to recognize and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses in teaching and learning methods and activities, from which they could be able to draw out lessons learned to improve their quality in the future.
Prof. Hanna H. Bachtiar-Iskandar - Head of the external assessment team said that in the context of the epidemic, AUN and its member universities had strived to change the way they operate, adapting to the new trend of switching more to online forms. She highly appreciated the efforts of VNUA in carefully preparing for this assessment.

Delegates take photos
After the Opening Ceremony, the external assessors of the AUN Network would have interviews with the managers, lecturers, alumni, employers as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students studying in the programs being accredited this time.
The Closing Ceremony and wrap up session will take place on October 29, 2021. To date, Vietnam National University of Agriculture has had 02 AUN-QA programs, namely Crop Science and Agribusiness Management, which are all taught in English.